Horder Advisory Services

Working on your business instead of in it is the aim of all Owners and Managers.

Are your Computer and Communications systems an enabler towards this ideal?

Business is more and more reliant on access and content from the Internet.

The Internet is also equally a potential source of disruption either from direct attack by Virus and Malware, or unproductive staff habits such as viewing Facebook or YouTube.

Is your business properly protected from these disruptions?

Business Computing and Communications solutions tend to be acquired in an Ad Hoc manner without consideration to whole of business needs.

Are you confident that your Computer and Communications Systems are ideally matched to your business needs?

Did you answer no to any of the above questions?

Do you need simple, friendly, enabling advice?

If so, then please read on.

Horder Communication Solutions Advisory Services can help. We do not want to become your computer and IT services provider, our role is to assist you in finding a path towards a stable and productive Computing and Communications environment.

The process is as simple as three basic steps:   

    • We undertake an in depth analysis of where you are right now.
    • We fix any basic infrastructure problems
    • We work with you to find long term providers and solutions

Internet Security is a big deal.

Yes, internet security is a big deal; however it does not need to be difficult. Horder Communication Solutions specialises in providing Unified Threat Management, (UTM), systems, systems that inspect your internet activity and apply threat detection and protection at the periphery of your business. It’s like an intelligent front gate. We are able to log and analyse your current Internet traffic and present simple, plain English, report that will help you to understand your current vulnerabilities.  We can then implement a solution tailored for your business.

It’s easy, uncomplicated and friendly. Read more at Contact us today at [email protected] and let our 45 years of experience start working for you.

 The three steps to enabling a productive environment


In consultation with you and your staff we will investigate your computing and communications systems and infrastructure. We will analyse all of the elements in from both a business and technical perspective.

The output of this discovery process will be simply presented in terms of;

  • What you have;
    • What’s good and should stay.
    • What needs help and should be refined.
    • What is incorrect or inappropriate and must be updated replaced or removed.
  • How do your systems and infrastructure currently work for, or against, your business?
  • To what degree is your business open to Cyber Security threats?
  • What is the roadmap to enabling improvement?
  • How much should it cost and over what time frame do we budget that expenditure


Often core infrastructure suffers from a lack of ownership. Our engineers can remediate any of your underlying infrastructure deficiencies ranging from repairing network cabling to supply of new basic core equipment, such as Network Switches, WiFi solutions, Internet Security Unified Threat Management devices, (Firewalls) and Telephony Systems.


We will act on your behalf to negotiate with suitable service providers to provide ongoing service and support packages that is tailored to your needs. We can prepare appropriate RFT/RFQ documents, assist to evaluate the bids and sit with you while you make your choices about the best ongoing providers for your business. We will then remain available to project manage and supervise any implementations. Conversely, if it is more applicable, we will outline an Ad Hoc approach to ongoing support that best suits your business requirements.